We ended up going to the hospital on Thursday night around 2am (after my last blog) only to be released 6 hours later...still no progress even though my contractions were worse and closer together in time. They tried a few "tricks" but nothing seemed to be working, so they sent me home and told me to come back when the pain was unbearable. Thomas spent the day with me on Friday by my side as I agonized in pain every 3-6 minutes. I felt so bad for him! ...and me too! :)
About 12 hours later, the pain was worse and I figured I deserved to go back to the hospital! I didn't think I could last any longer at home.
We were there for about 6 more hours before they decided I was ready to be admitted (thank God!). I received an epidural at 8am and she came at 3:27pm. The labor was pretty tough (I'll leave the details out), but we made it and didn't even have to go the C-Section route (which the Dr. said I was about one push away from). Ellie weighed 6lb 2 oz at birth and dropped the expected few ounces to 5lb 12 oz over the course of her stay at the hospital...she's so little!! She's gained most of it back and is eating really well!
We had a fabulous time at the hospital for the next two days and got the best care ever. It was actually really emotional to leave. But we are home now...Ellie is sleeping...and I don't feel too tired actually!
Here's her first picture! She's about 2 min. old here. Check out those swollen lips! :)

Ellie & Mommy the next day...(Sunday 8/9/09)

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