Sunday, November 22, 2009

Play Portraits

Ellie has been working on her Tummy Time and is actually enjoying it more. As you will see below, she likes it on the Boppy most (as opposed to a blanket of the floor); she can lift herself up higher and seems to like to be able to look around better this way. She definitely likes to check things out...she really only likes to be held in your arms if she's facing "out" and can see what's going on and where she's going.

I'm sorry we haven't posted a blog recently; I sort of forgot to take pictures lately b/c we've just been playing so much. No more lying around staring at the ceiling...we must be MOVING! (I know, I'll only get really busy when she starts to crawl/walk)
Ellie smiles and laughs (she's had two official belly laughs and we're waiting for them to start coming every day) and we have a great time. She coos and babbles and just loves to look around and make faces at the world around her. She still hates the car seat so taking trips around town always require a 5-minute meltdown before she settles herself or falls asleep. She's getting strong enough now that she can arch her back, make herself stiff, and try to flip herself sideways. It's quite tough to get the buckles on and snapped like this, lil miss!!!  :)

She has recently found her hands (on a whole new level than last month). Ellie holds her hands together, sucks on them constantly, holds onto toys (not grabbing them yet), and grabs onto your shirt when she's falling asleep. I think she just noticed her feet today, too. She was looking down at them and seem intrigued. She has also noticed the dogs in the past few weeks. She follows them with her eyes as they walk around but she hasn't "reacted" to them.
Can't wait to see our Florida family & friends soon for Thanksgiving. Enjoy your Holiday! :)

Who wants to kiss these GORGEOUS lips!?!? I do!

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